Sunday, 28 September 2008

Visit to Mull

This weekend, I get the chance to visit Mull again. At An Tobar, I meet Lee and we lay out the sand-tray templates on the floor. Two visitors to the gallery join us and Maggie, Louie and Lee, and these two beautiful women, all take their poses on the templates. I am amazed, as always, at how wonderfully poetic women are and how fluid. Clad in walking boots and rain jackets they manage to conjure up their magic and I am satisfied that the five string figures, standing just so, in the gallery will work. I hope my string women will live up to these life models.
Again, the staff at AnTobar are very supportive and encouraging and generous in their advice and direction.
Next day I have a go at recording the sea, at Port na Ba. Of all the beaches on Mull, I think I love this one the most. I use a mini disk and have borrowed an extension lead from AnTober keep my little mic away from the disk mechanism. I baffle the wind with a sponge and my Donegal tweed cap. I stay close to the waters edge down where the rocks and the sea meet the sand. Its not a wild sea atall the kind of tide full of little giggles at the end of its story. In the distance I can hear the soft rumble of the wider sea but I know this will just pick up as a rumble on my recording.
back home, i use Audacity to try capture the sound and I try to remove some of the ugly background noise - I'll work more on it tomorrow.

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