Monday, 20 October 2008


I’ve found what I’m looking for – a brilliant version of John Cage’s “Dream” performed by Percussionist Justin Stolarik ( now Dr Stolarik ) . I found it on youtube after searching the web ( and other places ) and almost immediately recognised something familiar and long lost and perfect for "There is a Tide". It is everything I wanted and more - The music is rhythmic and melodic that will find a good place with the rhythms and movements within the sculptures - it has the undisturbed quality and sweet tone that should sit low beneath the sound of the wind in the masts - and it has its own energy and sense of experiment. I approach Justin to check that he is happy for me to use the performance and he is very generous in his reponse. See for more information about this wonderful Conductor, Percussionist and Music Educator . I can't stop smiling - how strange that a musical piece of work by another artist should bring about the same sense that I am more familiar with when I deliver a colour or a shape or a stroke that becomes the key to a visual piece that I am working on. I am so happy too that John Cage should revisit the process having been a main source of inspiration when I first considered sound as part of the exhibition. Now, for my part, all I need to do is to get a good recording of the wind in the masts - some early mornings ahead.

Clare McNiven

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